Profiling polyphenols of two diploid strawberry (Fragaria vesca) inbred lines using UHPLC-HRMS(n.). - PDF Download Free (2024)

Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

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Profiling polyphenols of two diploid strawberry (Fragaria vesca) inbred lines using UHPLC-HRMSn Jianghao Sun a, Xianjin Liu b, Tianbao Yang c, Janet Slovin d, Pei Chen a,⇑ a U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Food Composition and Methods Development Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705, United States b Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Food Safety and Quality, Najing, Jiangsu Province, China c U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Food Quality Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705, United States d U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705, United States

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 10 May 2013 Received in revised form 8 August 2013 Accepted 20 August 2013 Available online 12 September 2013 Keywords: Strawberry Fragaria vesca UHPLC HRMS Flavonoids Anthocyanins

a b s t r a c t Phenolic compounds in the fruits of two diploid strawberries (Fragaria vesca f. semperflorens) inbred lines-Ruegen F7-4 (a red-fruited genotype) and YW5AF7 (a yellow-fruited genotype) were characterised using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMSn). The changes of anthocyanin composition during fruit development and between Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7 were studied. About 67 phenolic compounds, including taxifolin 3O-arabinoside, glycosides of quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, ellagic acid derivatives, and other flavonols were identified in these two inbred lines. Compared to the regular octoploid strawberry, unique phenolic compounds were found in F. vesca fruits, such as taxifolin 3-O-arabinoside (both) and peonidin 3-O-malonylglucoside (Ruegen F7-4). The results provide the basis for comparative analysis of polyphenolic compounds in yellow and red diploid strawberries, as well as with the cultivated octoploid strawberries. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction Strawberries are an economically important horticultural crop and much research has been conducted on maximising fruit growth in the field and increasing postharvest fruit quality (Goulas & Manganaris, 2011; Reganold et al., 2010; Shin et al., 2008; Villa-Rojas, Lopez-Malo, & Sosa-Morales, 2011; Wojdylo, Figiel, & Oszmianski, 2009; Yang et al., 2010). In 2011, the worldwide production of strawberries was near 4.6 million tons and the value of strawberry production in the United States valued at over $2 billion ( Commercial strawberry Fragaria ananassa is an octoploid (2n = 8 = 56) hybrid of two octoploid species, Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana, native to America (Sun & Shi, 2008). Fragaria vesca is a widely distributed diploid (2n = 2 = 14) species whose ancestor is believed to be an ancestral genome donor to the octoploid strawberries. The small size of the F. vesca plant, its transformability with Agrobacterium, its small genome and available genome sequence, and the existing inbred lines support F. vesca as a useful reference plant for strawberry {Shulaev, 2011 #11;Slovin, 2009 #12;Kim, 2003 #16263}. Strawberry fruits contain high levels of vitamin C, folate, and phenolic compounds, and are considered to be beneficial to human ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 301 504 8144; fax: +1 301 504 8314. E-mail address: [emailprotected] (P. Chen). 0308-8146/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.

health. Thus, many studies have been done on the characterisation of these secondary metabolites, their biosynthesis, and their accumulation during fruit development (Bianco et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2011). The phenolic compounds of regular strawberry fruits, including anthocyanins, proanthocyanindins, flavonols, flavanols, and derivatives of hydroxycinnamic and ellagic acid, are well-studied (Aaby, Ekeberg, & Skrede, 2007; Aaby, Mazur, Nes, & Skrede, 2012; Aaby, Wrolstad, Ekeberg, & Skrede, 2007; Buendia et al., 2010; Hilt et al., 2003; Kelebek & Selli, 2011; Maatta-Riihinen, Kamal-Eldin, & Torronen, 2004). However, there are not much detailed polyphenol content studies on F. versa. In a recently published study on F. versa, agrimoniin was isolated in the fruit of F. vesca and identified as the one of the main ellagitannins (Vrhovsek et al., 2012). High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has gained popularity in the last few years. HRMS instruments are being used in both quantitative and confirmative food analysis (Kaufmann, 2012). The higher resolution of HRMS provides enough resolving power to calculate the molecular formula for an analyte, so a suggested structure can be confirmed or denied. For example, HRMS can reliably differentiate between a glucosyl (C6H10O5) and caffeoyl (C9H6O3), a rhamnosyl (C6H10O4) and a coumaroyl (C9H6O2), which are commonly seen substituent groups in polyphenols from strawberry while these two pairs of substituent groups exhibit the same mass weights on unit mass spectrometers.


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

Two inbred lines, F. vesca, YW5AF7 and Ruegen F7-4 have yellow fruit with tan achenes and red fruit with red achenes respectively, and were specifically developed for genetic and genomic studies (Kim et al., 2003). To assist the future molecular, genetic, and genomic studies of F. vesca, it is necessary to perform a detailed study on the polyphenols in these two diploid lines. Thus an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with diode array detection (DAD) and multi-stage high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMSn) detection method was established for this purpose, which leads to the identification of 67 phenolic compounds, including taxifolin 3-O-arabinoside, glycosides of quercetin, kaempferol, cyanidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, ellagic acid derivatives, and other flavonols. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials Diploid strawberry (F. vesca) inbred lines YW5AF7 and Ruegen F7-4, as well as octoploid strawberry (F. ananassa) cv. Fort Laramie, were grown in a greenhouse with a diurnal rhythm of 16 h light and 8 h darkness following normal cultivation practices. Five fruits (octoploid) and 20 fruits (diploids) were collected from the greenhouse. The fruits at different stages were classified based upon the fruit size and colour of achenes and receptacles. Green: small fruit with green achene and receptacle; turning: fruit with white receptacles and tan (YW5AF7 and Fort Laramie) or red (F74) achenes; ripe: ripe fruit with yellow (YW5AF7) or red (F7-4 and Fort Laramie) receptacles (Figure S1) .The fruit collection and extraction experiments were repeated at least three times. After harvest, all the fruits from different stages were washed in water, cut into quarters, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at 80 °C for future use. HPLC-grade methanol, acetonitrile, and formic acid were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Pelargonidin 3-Oglucoside, cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, peonidin 3-O-glucoside, ellagic acid, quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, kaempferol 3-O-glucuronide and (+)-catechin were purchased from Chromadex Inc. (Irvine, CA). 2.2. Sample preparation One gram of each freezed-dried sample was hom*ogenised with 50 mL of extraction solution (methanol/water/formic acid; 60:40:1 v/v/v) using an Ultra Turrax T18 Basic Disperser (IKA Werke GmbH & Co, Staufen, Germany) for 1 min on ice followed by sonication in an ultrasound bath for 15 min (Branson 3200; Branson, Danbury, CT). The hom*ogenates were then centrifuged at 5000g for 10 min (IEC clinical centrifuge; IEC, Needham Heights, MA). The upper layer was filtered through a 0.22-lm PTFE filter, transferred into a 2-mL HPLC vial, and 2 lL was injected for UHPLC-HRMSn analysis. 2.3. The UHPLC-HRMSn conditions The UHPLC-HRMSn system consisted of an LTQ Orbitrap XL MS with an Accela 1250 binary pump, a PAL HTC Accela TMO autosampler, an Accela PDA detector (Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA), and an Agilent G1316A column compartment (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA). The separation was carried out on a Hypersil Gold C18 column (200 2.1 mm, 1.9 lm particle size; Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA) with a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. Mobile phase A was H2O (0.1% formic acid) and B was acetonitrile (0.1% formic acid). The linear gradient was 4–20% B (v/v) from 0 to 40 min, to 35% B at 60 min, to 100% B at 61 min, and was held at 100% B to

65 min for column washing. The column temperature was set at 60 °C and UV/Vis spectra were recorded between 200 and 700 nm. High-accuracy mass measurements were carried out under both positive and negative ionisation modes. The MS conditions were set as follows: sheath gas at 70 (arbitrary units), auxiliary and sweep gas at 10 (arbitrary units), spray voltage at 4.5 kV for positive ionisation mode and 4 kV for negative ionisation mode, capillary temperature at 250 °C, capillary voltage at 40 V for positive ionisation mode and -50 V for negative ionisation mode, and tube lens at 150 V. For FTMS, the mass range is from m/z 100 to 1500 with a resolution of 15,000, AGC target value of 200,000 and 100,000 in full scan and FTMS/MS AGC target at 1e5, isolation width of 1 amu, and max ion injection time of 750 ms; the ion trap settings used were: AGC target value of 30,000 and 10,000 in full scan and MSn mode, respectively, maximum ion injection time of 200 ms. The most intense ion was selected for the data-dependent scan with normalisation collision energy at 35%. 3. Results and discussions The basic structures of the above mentioned compounds are shown in Figure S2. Since different classes of phenolic compounds exhibit absorbance maxima at different wavelengths, two wavelengths were selected for real-time monitoring: 280 nm for nonanthocyanin phenolic compounds and 520 nm for anthocyanins. HRMSn detection in both the positive and the negative ionisation modes was used to obtain information on the structural features and the conjugated forms of phenolic compounds. Identification of the phenolic compounds was based on chromatographic behaviour, UV/Vis and mass spectra, accurate mass measurements, consecutive MS2–MS4 analyses, and comparison with data in the literature (Buendia et al., 2010; Kelebek & Selli, 2011; MaattaRiihinen et al., 2004; Mikulic-Petkovsek et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2011; Zheng, Song, Doncaster, Rowland, & Byers, 2007). Seventyfour compounds, including anthocyanins, dihydroflavonols and flavonols, flavan-3-ols, proanthocyanidins, and ellagic acid and its derivatives were identified from the two F. vesca inbred lines. The basic structures of the abovementioned compounds are shown in Fig. 1 and summarised in Table 1, where the compounds are numbered according to their retention times as shown in typical chromatograms (Fig. 1). 3.1. Identification of anthocyanins in F. vesca var. Ruegen F7-4 Fig. 1(A) shows the HPLC-UV (520 nm) chromatogram of Ruegen F7-4 ripe fruits (stage 3). Previous reports of anthocyanins in strawberries were used to assist in the identification of the anthocyanins in Table 1 in addition to UV and HRMSn data (Aaby et al., 2007; Buendia et al., 2010; Hilt et al., 2003; Kelebek & Selli, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011). Peak 20 with M+ at m/z 449.1071 (C21H21O11, 1.53 ppm) and a product ion at m/z 287 (162 amu, hexose moiety) was identified as cyanidin 3-O-glucoside. Peak 24, the major peak in Ruegen F7-4 with M+ at m/z 433.1122 (C21H21O10, 1.58 ppm) and a major MS2 product ion at m/z 271(–162 amu, hexose moiety), was identified as pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside. Peak 30 with M+ at m/z 463.1228 (C22H23O11, 1.49 ppm) and a MS2 product ion at m/z 301(–162 amu, hexose moiety) was identified as peonidin 3-O-glucoside. Peak 35 with [M]+ at m/z 535.1072 (C24H23O14, 2.0 ppm) and two major product ions at m/z 449 and 287 (86 amu, and then 162 amu, corresponding to malonyl and glucose moiety, respectively) was identified as cyanidin 3-O-malonylglucoside. Peak 41 showed the M+ ion at m/z 519.1126 (C24H23O13, 1.38 ppm) and a neutral loss of 248 amu (malonyl-hexosyl residue) for its product ion and was identified as pelargonidin 3-O-malonylglucoside. Peak


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298 24



NL: 3.05E4 Channel A UV redripeneg





20 10000

41 5000






NL: 1.10E5 Channel B UV redripeneg


100000 90000


80000 70000


60000 50000 40000



30000 20000 10000


6 4 5


0 5


27-29 17-19

25,26 212223

16 9-13 15 10



62 39 40 42 46-47 43 20

60 6364 65 66 67 61


30 Time (min)







Fig. 1. The HPLC chromatograms of anthocyanin (A, at 520 nm) and non-anthocyanin polyphenols (A, at 280 nm) from F. vesca var. Ruegen.

44 showed the M+ at m/z 549.1226 (C25H25O14, 1.38 ppm) and a neutral loss of 248 amu (malonyl-hexosyl residue) for its product ion and was identified as peonidin 3-O-malonylglucoside. Cyanidin and pelargonidin glycosides are commonly found in cultivated strawberry (F. ananassa var. Fort Laramie), but peonidin 3-O-glucoside and peonidin 3-O-malonylglucoside were identified in F. vesca var. Ruegen F7-4 for the first time. However, YW5AF7 ripe fruits (stage 3) only contain pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside. 3.2. Identification of non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds in Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7 Fig. 1 (B) shows the HPLC-UV profiles at 280 nm of Ruegen F7-4 ripe fruits (stage 3). More than sixty non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds were identified. Unlike anthocyanins, the Ruegen F74 and YW5AF7 exhibited very similar profiles and all non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds were found in both genotypes (details discussed below). However, the phenolic profiles differed from those of cultivated strawberries previously reported in the literature (Bianco et al., 2009; Buendia et al., 2010; Kelebek & Selli, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011). 3.2.1. Dihydroflavonol and flavonols Peak 45 exhibited UV/Vis absorption maxima at about 234 and 290 nm. The HRMS gave a deprotonated [M–H] ion at m/z 435.0321, suggesting the formula of C20H19O11 (0.33 ppm). The MS2 major product ion was m/z 303 (132 amu, pentose), the MS3 and the MS4 spectra of peak 45 were consistent with the MS2 and the MS3 spectra of taxifolin. Hence this compound was identified as taxifolin 3-O-arabinoside, a compound previously

reported in cultivated strawberry roots but not in fruits (Ishimaru, Omoto, Asai, Ezaki, & Shimomura, 1995). Peak 29 with m/z at 447.0927 (C21H19O11, 1.22 ppm) and a major product ion at m/z 285 (162 amu: hexose) was identified as kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. Peak 46 (C21H20O12) with [M–H] ion at m/z 463, a major MS2 product ion at m/z 301, and corresponding MS3 product ions at m/z 151 and 179, was identified as quercetin 3-O-glucoside. Similarly, peak 54 (C23H22O13) was identified as quercetin-acetylhexoside; and peaks 65 and 68 were identified as kaempferol 3O-acetylhexosides.

3.2.2. Flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins (+) Catechin, B type proanthocyanidin dimers, B type proanthocyanidin trimers, and B type proanthocyanidin tetramers were found in these two genetically improved strawberries using HRMSn data, UV spectral data, and literature reports. Peak 14, with a deprotonated molecule ion [M–H] at m/z 289 (C15H13O6) and characteristic MS2 ions at m/z 245, 205, 231, and 179, was identified as (+)-catechin. Peak 13 ([M–H]– at m/z 577.1346, C30H25O12, 0.95 ppm, primary MS2 ion at m/z 577, -152 amu via a characteristic fragmentation pathway by retro Diels–Alder reaction) was identified as a proanthocyanidin dimer of the B type catechin–catechin (Aaby et al., 2007). Peak 15 was identified as a B type proanthocyanidin trimer. Its [M–H] ion was at m/z 865.1970 (C45H37O18, 1.82 ppm) and MS2 ions were at m/z 695, 739, 713, 577, 425, and 287. The MS3 ions of m/z 695 gave fragment ions at m/z 543, 451, 289, and 243. Using the fragment pattern, the sequence of this trimer was epicatechin–epicatechin–epicatechin. Peak 16 had an [M–H]– ion at m/z 1153.2596 (C60H49O24, 1.98 ppm) and was tentatively identified as an isomer of a B type proanthocyanidin


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

Table 1 Compounds identified from Fragaria vesca var. Ruegen and YW5AF7. Peak tR m/z no. (min) 1

2 3 4

5 6 7 8


10 11 12 13




17 18

19 20





Error Formula (mmu)


1.82 341.1083 0.64 C12H22O12 [M–H]

MS2 to MS4 data

UV kmax Tentative (nm) identification

MS2[341]: 179(100), 161(18), 143(23), 119(13), 113(18), 101(6) – Hexosyl hexose MS3[341 ? 179]: 161(100), 149(21), 143(97), 131(27), 125(8), 119(45), 113(18), 106(12), 101(8), 89(94), 87(11)MS4[341 ? 179 ? 161]: 113(100), 101(32), 71(69) [M–H] MS2[191]: 173(100), 111(64)MS3[191 ? 173]: 155(27), – Citric acid 1.89 191.0193 0.41 C6H8O7 111(100)MS4[191 ? 173 ? 111]: 67(100) [M–H] MS2[191]: 173(20), 111(100)MS3[191 ? 111]: 67(100) – Citric acid isomer 2.38 191.0194 0.33 C6H8O7 Gallotannin 3.34 629.0411 0.96 C27H18O18 [M–H] MS2[629]: 615(31), 613(9), 601(100), 599(9)MS3[629 ? 601]: 573(45), 557(16), – 529(6), 449(33), 439(6), 431(100), 405(15), 389(7), 387(14), 287(26), 286(13), 261(12)MS4[629 ? 601 ? 431]: 403(41), 387(62), 371(17), 369(12), 359(8), 343(9), 327(6), 312(6), 299(19), 287(100), 286(94), 285(16), 283(8), 273(10), 271(12), 261(98), 257(8), 245(6), 243(14), 227(9), 225(8), 217(27), 216(10), 215(13), 189(18), 187(7) 3.67 783.0665 1.3 C34H24O22 [M–H] MS2[783]: 481(31), 301(100), 275(17)MS3[783 ? 301]: 301(36), 300(9), – bis-HHDP-glucose 284(39), 257(100), 229(76), 201(13), 185(27) MS2[947]: 929(100), 901(73), 883(16), 875(8) – Unknown ellagitannin 3.95 947.0433 0.052 C41H24O27 [M–H] 5.58 289.0921 0.761 C12H18O8 [M–H] MS2[289]: 161(100), 113(6), 101(8)MS3[289 ? 161]: 143(28), 129(22), 275,229 Furaneol hexoside 125(12), 113(62), 101(100), 99(13), 97(14), 89(6), 85(7), 73(10), 71(29) MS2[957]: 1557(25), 1224(17), 1099(33), 1096(42), 1026(17), 986(8), 967(17), – 6.34 957.0535 1.041 C89H48O50 [M– Unknown ellagitannin 2H]2 943(33), 939(58), 937(25), 934(33), 932(17), 930(100), 928(17), 926(25), 922(17), 917(25), 916(17), 912(25), 911(25), 907(50), 901(17), 899(17), 895(50), 872(25), 842(17), 837(8), 817(8), 814(17), 778(17), 754(25), 739(8), 731(17), 717(8), 655(42), 541(8), 493(8), 469(8), 413(8), 397(17), – Unknown ellagitannin MS2[965]: 1859(11), 948(16), 947(16), 942(11), 929(16), 921(11), 920(11), 6.40 965.0516 0.428 C89H48O51 [M– 2 2H] 916(21), 903(26), 897(11), 889(11), 887(11), 885(11), 871(21), 852(37), 823(11), 797(11), 795(11), 783(100), 781(16), 764(11), 591(11), 481(11), 479(16), 421(16) 6.50 285.0611 0.144 C12H14O8 [M–H] MS2[285]: 165(7), 153(100), 152(28), 109(9)MS3[285 ? 153]: 109(100) – 1-O-protocatechuylbeta-xylose 6.54 203.0822 0.451 C11H12O2N2 [M–H] MS2[203]: 186(10), 159(100), 142(15), 116(37)MS3[203 ? 159]: 144(9), 280, D or L-tryptophan 132(30), 130(56), 129(100), 128(42), 116(58), 115(30) 230 [M–H] MS2[187]: 143(100)MS3[187 ? 143]: 99(100), 85(9) – 2-methylaconitate or 6.84 187.0248 0.451 C7H8O6 its isomer – Proanthocyanidin b1 7.16 577.1346 0.569 C30H26O12 [M–H] MS2[577]: 559(16), 451(46), 425(100), 407(59), 299(7), 289(27), (catechin-catechin) 287(11)MS3[577 ? 425]: 407(100), 273(6)MS4[577 ? 425 ? 407]: 389(29), 363(6), 339(14), 297(45), 285(100), 284(11), 283(28), 281(88), 269(6), 256(8), 255(20), 253(17), 243(17) 8.11 289.0713 0.441 C15H14O6 [M–H] MS2[289]: 247(7), 245(100), 231(7), 205(33), 179(9)MS3[289 ? 245]: 227(27), 233, (+)-Catechin* 217(8), 203(100), 202(7), 188(15), 187(24), 175(9), 161(17) 280, 334 – Proanthocyanidin C1 8.75 865.1973 1.096 C45H38O18 [M–H] MS2[865]: 848(25), 739(55), 713(39), 695(100), 587(22), 577(52), 575(33), (catechin trimer) 569(9), 557(6), 543(11), 451(19), 449(15), 425(17), 423(6), 413(8), 407(23), 405(7), 395(6), 289(6), 287(16)MS3[865 ? 695]: 677(38), 586(8), 585(10), 543(100), 525(23), 451(28), 407(16), 405(33), 391(11), 387(6), 363(22), 299(11), 289(15), 243(33) Proanthocyanidin 233, 9.09 1153.2596 1.225 C42H58O37 [M–H] MS2[1153]: 1136(73), 1110(8), 1101(10), 1070(6), 1028(65), 1010(12), tetramer 1002(33), 991(6), 984(35), 983(20), 965(6), 917(6), 908(41), 906(8), 865(100), 271, 360 863(49), 861(10), 857(12), 850(8), 847(14), 846(8), 831(20), 822(6), 814(6), 739(25), 723(6), 713(6), 701(27), 695(16), 694(10), 587(25), 577(22), 575(55), 557(24), 549(8), 533(8), 501(6), 459(6), 457(6), 455(6), 449(12), 423(22), 407(24), 405(10) 9.44 331.1033 0.305 C14H20O9 [M–H] MS2[331]: 313(8), 289(46), 287(7), 271(100), 235(11), 203(9), 169(24), 165(6), 233, Galloyl glucose 127(10) 271 233, Proanthocyanidin 9.57 865.197 1.517 C45H38O18 [M–H] MS2[865]: 848(17), 739(62), 720(8), 713(51), 695(100), 587(20), 577(64), 271 trimer 575(38), 557(9), 543(19), 533(6), 525(8), 451(18), 449(15), 425(25), 423(6), 413(9), 407(18), 405(12), 395(9), 363(8), 289(9), 287(27) 9.81 561.1398 0.465 C30H26O11 [M–H] MS2[561]: 543(42), 435(52), 425(13), 407(17), 289(100), 233,271 Unknown 271(11)MS3[561 ? 289]: 247(6), 245(100), 205(33), 203(11), 179(12) Cyanidin 3-O233, 10.74 447.0931 0.952 C21H21O11+ [M–2H] MS2[465]: 339(8), 285(100), 241(13)MS3[465 ? 285]: 257(9), 243(21), glucoside* 241(100), 217(19), 199(10), 149(9) 271, 514 – Propelargonidin trimer 11.18 849.2023 1.353 C45H38O17 [M–H] MS2[849]: 831(24), 723(100), 697(43), 695(32), 679(19), 577(95), 571(51), (afz-cat-cat) 559(78), 553(10), 541(9), 517(6), 451(19), 433(19), 425(22), 407(30), 397(12), 299(7), 289(15), 287(14) 11.55 631.0565 0.13 C27H20O18 [M–H] MS2[631]: 613(12), 451(100)MS3[631 ? 451]: 433(79), 423(9), 407(78), 215,233 Castalin or its isomer 405(28), 395(10), 379(37), 377(10), 367(6), 363(8), 351(100), 337(7), 335(24), 323(21), 311(28), 307(25), 295(14), 285(88), 283(7), 165(8) 12.32 331.1026 0.241 C14H20O9 [M–H] MS2[331]: 313(22), 312(6), 289(15), 288(6), 271(25), 253(21), 235(33), 211(14), 232, Unknown 205(6), 203(32), 193(63), 181(11), 169(64), 161(10), 151(42), 127(100), 125(29), 275 113(11), 101(9), 97(9) Pelargonidin 3-O13.21 431.0979 0.591 C21H21O11 [M–2H] MS2[431]: 413(10), 387(6), 269(100)MS3[431 ? 269]: 241(59), 225(29), 233, glucoside* 199(12), 197(7), 147(100) 271, 500


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298 Table 1 (continued) Peak tR m/z no. (min)

Error Formula (mmu)


25 26

13.83 401.1448 1.272 C18H26O10 [M–H] 13.90 635.0881 1.44 C27H24O18 [M–H]


14.53 525.1964 0.243 C25H34O12 [M–H]


14.74 351.1292 0.577


14.87 463.1227 0.838 C22H23O11 M+


14.95 463.0506 0.188 C20H16O13 [M–H]


15.46 517.1552 0.028

C14H24O10 [M–H]

C22H30O14 [M–H]


15.66 449.1079 0.227

C21H22O11 [M–H]


16.71 371.0977 0.417



17.49 585.2184 0.479 C27H38O14 [M–H]




18.07 535.1075 0.692 C24H23O14 M


18.08 935.0771 1.357 C41H28O26 [M–H]


19.28 433.0408 0.479 C19H14O12 [M–H]


19.41 461.2023 0.505 C21H34O11 [M–H]


19.72 300.9983 0.73 C14H6O8


20.42 447.0564 0.499 C20H17O12


21.07 473.1083 0.142 C23H23O11


21.89 623.1247 0.414



22.26 503.1189 0.498



22.43 549.1228 1.022 C25H25O14


23.05 435.0931 0.145 C20H20O11


23.50 463.0876 0.609 C21H20O12


23.61 477.067 0.444 C21H18O13


23.73 521.2017 1.115 C26H34O11


24.55 491.0831 0.014 C22H20O13


24.73 521.2016 1.235 C26H34O11


25.32 709.1252 0.526 C30H30O20


25.60 607.1298 0.638 C27H28O16


26.20 567.2076 0.674 C27H36O13


26.28 505.0983 0.434 C23H22O13


26.51 327.1234 0.447 C19H20O5


MS2 to MS4 data

UV kmax Tentative (nm) identification

MS2[401]: 383(18), 357(8), 356(6), 355(6), 293(9), 269(100), 233(9), 161(20) – MS2[635]: 465(100)MS3[635 ? 465]: 313(100), 295(9), 235(9), 233, 169(19)MS4[635 ? 465 ? 313]: 295(21), 253(41), 241(31), 223(6), 211(6), 270 193(17), 169(100), 151(9), 125(15) MS2[525]: 363(100), 345(6), 179(6), 165(10)MS3[525 ? 363]: 345(27), 315(19), – 239(8), 221(7), 179(32), 165(100) – MS2[351]: 333(25), 249(100), 231(10), 113(8)MS3[351 ? 249]: 231(100), 189(18), 175(18), 157(7), 129(11), 115(18), 113(86), 111(21), 109(7), 99(18), 95(11), 85(29), 83(21), 75(7) MS2[463]: 301(100)MS3[463- > 301]: 286(100) 233, 271, 512 MS2[463]: 301(100), 300(54)MS3[463 ? 301]: 301(12), 284(14), 257(100), – 229(21), 185(9) MS2[517]: 499(10), 471(8), 355(18), 337(46), 295(35), 265(49), 235(55), – 193(100), 175(32), 160(14) MS2[449]: 355(100), 329(8), 287(40), 269(28), 193(13)MS3[449 ? 355]: – 193(100), 192(10), 165(6)MS4[449 ? 355 ? 193]: 165(100), 137(14) MS2[371]: 249(100)MS3[371 ? 249]: 231(87), 175(14), 113(100), 111(8), – 103(7), 99(9), 95(11), 85(21) MS2[585]: 377(100), 329(13)MS3[585 ? 377]: – 329(100)MS4[585 ? 377 ? 329]: 314(100), 164(10) 233, MS2[535]: 287(100)MS3[535- > 287]: 287(100), 269(68), 259(28), 245(11), 241(36), 231(46), 217(6), 216(9), 213(74), 199(12), 189(16), 185(32), 175(35), 515 163(9), 137(17) MS2[935]: 633(100), 301(41)MS3[935 ? 633]: 463(8), 301(100) –

MS2[433]: 301(100), 300(32)MS3[433 ? 301]: 301(49), 284(36), 273(12), 257(100), 229(67), 213(8), 201(6), 185(32) MS2[461]: 461(6), 453(9), 443(55), 430(6), 418(9), 417(15), 416(9), 415(30), 400(6), 399(16), 393(6), 376(6), 329(100), 299(10), 293(90), 233(49), 191(185), 161(13), 149(28) MS2[301]: 301(34), 300(13), 284(28), 257(100), 229(64), 201(13), 185(34)MS3[301 ? 257]: 229(96), 213(23), 201(11), 185(100), 173(6)

Apigenin pentose Trigalloylglucose

GA8-hexose gibberellin Unknown

Peonidin 3-Oglucoside* Ellagic acid-hexoside Unknown Ferulic acid hexose derivative Unknown Unknown Cyanidin 3-Omalonylglucoside

Galloyl bishexahydroxydiphenoyl (HHDP)-glucose Ellagic acid pentoside


Ellagic acid* 234, 252, 368 [M–H] MS2[447]: 301(100), 300(19)MS3[447 ? 301]: 301(15), 284(11), 257(100), 233, Ellagic acid-methyl 229(29), 185(10) 365 pentoside [M–2H] MS2[473]: 269(100)MS3[473 ? 269]: 241(59), 225(62), 224(8), 201(7), 199(9), 233, Pelargonidin acetyl 147(100) 501 hexoside [M–H] MS2[623]: 608(11), 477(46), 476(8), 460(100), 314(11), 313(6)MS3[623 ? 460]: – Unknown 445(10), 314(35), 313(100)MS4[623 ? 460 ? 313]: 298(100), 285(42), 283(6) [M–H] MS2[503]: 299(100)MS3[503 ? 299]: 284(100), 283(22), 255(23), 240(10), 230,365 Diosmetin 147(11) acetylhexoside + M MS2[549]: 301(100)MS3[549- > 301]: 286(100) 233, Peonidin 3-O515 malonylglucoside Taxifolin 3-O217, [M–H] MS2[435]: 303(100), 285(34)MS3[435 ? 303]: 285(100), 177(11), arabinofuranoside 125(7)MS4[435 ? 303 ? 285]: 257(11), 243(17), 241(100), 217(13), 199(23), 234, 289 175(56) [M–H] MS2[463]: 301(100), 300(23)MS3[463 ? 301]: 283(6), 273(16), 257(15), 229(8), 233, Quercetin 3-O179(100), 151(63) 364 glucoside* Methylellagic acid [M–H] MS2[477]: 315(100)MS3[477 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[477 ? 315 ? 300]: 217, hexose 300(100), 283(6), 272(24), 271(21), 244(53), 243(12), 228(13), 216(17), 200(22) 233, 271 Tetramethylellagic acid [M–H] MS2[521]: 503(9), 359(100)MS3[521 ? 359]: 344(100)MS4[521 ? 359 ? 344]: 215, hexose 329(34), 328(8), 313(100), 255(16), 203(14), 191(10), 189(52), 173(11), 159(41) 233, 271 [M–H] MS2[491]: 476(20), 328(100), 313(9)MS3[491 ? 328]: 215, Dimethylellagic acid 313(100)MS4[491 ? 328 ? 313]: 298(100), 285(54) 233,280 hexose Tetramethylellagic acid [M–H] MS2[521]: 503(9), 359(100)MS3[521 ? 359]: 344(100)MS4[521 ? 359 ? 344]: 216, hexose 233, 329(32), 328(10), 313(100), 255(16), 203(16), 191(10), 189(45), 173(11), 271 159(45) Unknown [M–H] MS2[709]: 709(7), 691(10), 665(84), 663(9), 625(8), 563(100), 545(13), 519(83), 217, 477(18), 461(8), 447(7), 357(21), 315(46), 301(27), 300(13) 233, 356 [M–H] MS2[607]: 461(100)MS3[607 ? 461]: 314(100), 299(6)MS4[607 ? 461 ? 314]: 215, Unknown 313(31), 299(97), 286(66), 285(100), 284(21), 283(25) 233 [M–H] MS2[567]: 567(10), 558(11), 550(7), 549(14), 545(7), 523(10), 521(40), 499(7), 215, Unknown 359(77), 341(100), 329(87) 233 [M–H] MS2[505]: 463(22), 301(100), 300(46)MS3[505 ? 301]: 283(17), 273(29), – Quercetin acetyl 257(10), 229(7), 193(7), 179(100), 151(63) hexoside [M–H] MS3[327 ? 312]: 295(22), 284(47), 283(30), 281(48), 267(100), 256(12), – Unknown 253(26), 240(11), 145(30) (continued on next page)


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

Table 1 (continued) Peak tR m/z no. (min)



26.67 447.0563 0.599 C20H16O12 [M–H]


27.34 461.0724 0.189 C21H18O12 [M–H]


27.68 519.0779 0.148 C23H20O14 [M–H]


27.88 939.1095 1.404 C41H32O26 [M–H]


28.16 447.0932 0.115 C21H20O11 [M–H]


28.55 519.0779 0.148 C23H20O14 [M–H]


29.22 461.0718 0.738 C21H18O12 [M–H]


30.00 477.1035 0.399 C22H22O12 [M–H]


30.56 461.0725 0.069 C21H18O12 [M–H]


31.81 489.1038 0.029 C23H22O12 [M–H]


32.45 341.1393 0.107 C20H22O5



Error Formula (mmu)


34.05 519.1142 0.214 C24H24O13 [M–H]

MS2 to MS4 data

UV kmax Tentative (nm) identification

– MS2[447]: 315(100)MS3[447 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[447 ? 315 ? 300]: 300(100), 283(12), 272(24), 271(12), 244(69), 243(29), 228(33), 216(47), 200(35), 188(6), 172(10) MS2[461]: 328(6), 315(100)MS3[461 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[461 ? 315 ? 300]: – 300(19), 283(59), 272(100), 271(18), 244(39), 228(40), 200(20), 172(17) – MS2[519]: 315(100)MS3[519 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[519 ? 315 ? 300]: 300(100), 272(24), 271(18), 244(67), 243(12), 228(12), 216(21), 200(12), 172(6), 151(6) – MS2[939]: 787(8), 769(100), 617(9)MS3[939 ? 769]: 725(16), 617(100), 601(37), 599(33), 511(7), 465(6), 447(21), 431(11), 429(14), 403(6)MS4[939 ? 769 ? 617]: 465(100), 447(37), 423(18), 313(8), 295(6), 211(6) MS2[447]: 327(18), 285(92), 284(100), 255(14)MS3[447 ? 284]: 255(100), – 227(13)MS4[447 ? 284 ? 255]: 255(12), 227(100), 211(57), 183(8), 167(6) 217, MS2[519]: 315(100), 300(10)MS3[519 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[519 ? 315 ? 300]: 300(100), 283(11), 272(27), 271(29), 244(80), 233, 366 243(17), 228(23), 216(19), 200(34), 172(10) MS2[461]: 315(100), 314(6)MS3[461 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[461 ? 315 ? 300]: 243, 375 300(100), 283(17), 272(36), 271(24), 244(74), 243(21), 228(23), 216(24), 200(39), 172(10) MS2[477]: 459(6), 357(23), 315(31), 314(100), 299(6), 285(8), – 271(7)MS3[477 ? 314]: 299(18), 286(36), 285(100), 271(72), 257(11), 243(24) 217, MS2[461]: 315(100)MS3[461 ? 315]: 300(100)MS4[461 ? 315 ? 300]: 233, 300(100), 283(10), 272(17), 271(21), 244(65), 243(18), 228(18), 216(18), 365 200(24), 172(7) MS2[489]: 285(100), 284(7)MS3[489 ? 285]: 267(43), 257(100), 256(9), 243(6), – 241(29), 240(10), 239(13), 229(49), 223(10), 213(15), 211(9), 199(10), 197(20), 195(9), 163(17) MS2[341]: 326(100)MS3[341 ? 326]: 311(100)MS4[341 ? 326 ? 311]: 293(6), – 283(100), 267(12), 266(14), 252(7) MS2[519]: 315(100)MS3[519 ? 315]: 300(100), 287(6), 215, 272(6)MS4[519 ? 315 ? 300]: 272(43), 271(100), 255(66) 233, 329

Methylellagic acid pentose Methylellagic acid methyl pentose Methylellagic acid acetyl hexose Pentagalloyl hexose

Kaempferol 3-Ohexoside Methylellagic acid acetyl hexoside Methylellagic acid rhamnoside Methylellagic acid hexose Methylellagic acid hexose Kaempferol acetylhexoside Unknown Methylellagic acid acetyl hexoside

Confirmed with reference standards, - weak absorbance.

tetramer according to its characteristic MS2 ions at m/z 865, 1135, 1027, 983, 695, 575 and 407. It was composed of four epicatechin units. Peak 19 had [M–H]– at m/z 561.1393 (C30H25O11) and MS2 ions at m/z 289, 543, and 435. The compound was identified as epiafzelechin–epicatechin. The fragmentation pathway of peak 19 was different from that of the B-catechin dimer in strawberries described in a previous study (Aaby et al., 2007). Peak 21 had [M–H] at m/z 849.2023 (C45H37O17), characteristic MS2 ions at m/z 801, 697, 577 (base peak obtained after a loss of 272 amu), 559, 425, 407, and 287. The MS3 spectra of the MS2 base peak (m/z 577) gave ions at 425, 407, and 289 (288 amu, epi catechin) and corresponded to B type proanthocyanidin trimer of the type epiafzelechin–epicatechin–epicatechin (Aaby et al., 2007; Hilt et al., 2003). 3.2.3. Ellagic acid and its Derivatives Peak 39 had [M–H]- at m/z 300.9983 (C14H5O8, 0.97 ppm) and MS2 fragmentation ions at m/z 257, 229, 185, and 157. It was identified as ellagic acid. The identity was confirmed with an ellagic acid reference standard. The UV/Vis spectra of peaks 30 and 37 suggested glycosylated forms of ellagic acid (33). Peak 30 with [M–H]– at m/z 463 (C20H15O13) and the main MS2 ion at m/z 301 (162, hexose) was tentatively identified as an ellagic acid hexoside. Peak 37 had the [M–H]– at m/z 447 (C19H13O12). Its main MS2 product ion was at m/z 301 (MS3 ions at m/z 257, 229, and 185) and corresponded to ellagic acid. Peak 37 was identified as ellagic acid methyl pentoside. A similar compound has been previously reported in strawberries (Aaby et al., 2007). Peak 62 (m/z 461.0725, C21H17O12, 0.107 ppm) is the major compound observed in the HPLC-DAD profiles for both Ruegen and YW5AF7. The maximum UV absorptions were at 243 nm and 375 nm. The characteristic MS2 product ion at m/z 315 (146 amu, methyl pentose) and its MS3 product ions at m/z 300 and

its MS4 product ions at m/z 272, 271, 244 confirmed the identity of methylellagic acid. Hence, Peak 62 was identified as methylellagic acid methyl pentoside. Peaks 57 and 64 had the same m/z (461.0725) and exhibited similar fragmentation behaviour to that of peak 62, except that the relative abundance of product ion at m/z 315 was different. These two compounds were tentatively identified as methylellagic acid methyl pentoside isomers. Peaks 61 and 67 had [M–H] ions at m/z 519 (C23H19O14) with the MS2 product ions corresponding to kaempferol glucoside (m/z 315) after the loss of the acetyl and hexosyl moieties (162 + 42 amu). They were identified as methylellagic acid 3-O-acetyl-hexosides. Similarly, Peak 56 (m/z 447.0563) was identified as methylellagic acid 3-O-pentoside. Similar compounds (methylellagic acid-pentose conjugates) have been previously reported (Aaby et al., 2007). Peaks 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 26, and 36 were identified as ellagitannins. Ellagitannins are hydrolysable tannins, since they are esters of hexahydroxydiphenic acid (HHDP: 6,60 -dicarbonyl-2,20 ,3,30 ,4,40 hexahydroxybiphenyl moiety) and a polyol, usually glucose, and in some cases gallic acid, which are commonly found in strawberries (Aaby et al., 2007; Kelebek & Selli, 2011; Vrhovsek et al., 2012). Typical losses during fragmentation of ellagitannins are galloyl (152 amu), HHDP (302 amu), galloyl-glucose (332 amu), HHDPglucose (482 amu), and galloyl-HHDP-glucose (634 amu). Recent research found that agrimoniin is one of the most abundant ellagitannins and sanguiin H-6 and lambertianin C are minor compounds in both F. vesca and F. ananassa D. (Vrhovsek et al., 2012). However, we did not find any of these three compounds in our two strawberry lines. Peak 8 had a [M–2H]2– ion at m/z 957.0535 (its isotopic distribution suggests it to be a double-charged ion), implying the formula of C82H52O55. Fragmentation of the doublecharged ions gave single-charged MS2 product ions at m/z 1557, 1224, 1099, 1096, 943, 930, 451, and 301. Thus Peak 8 has two


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

more oxygen atom substituted in the structures than that of sanguiin H-6/agrimoniin. Similarly, Peak 9 (C82H52O56) had three more oxygen atoms substituted in the structure in comparison to literature reports for sanguiin H-6/agrimoniin (Aaby et al., 2007; Vrhovsek et al., 2012). Peak 5, with [M–H] at m/z 783 (C34H23O22) and MS2 fragmentations at m/z 481 (302 amu, loss of HHDP) and 301 (482 amu, loss of HHDP-glucose) was identified as bis-HHDP-glucose, previously reported in strawberries (Aaby et al., 2007). Peak 36 was identified as galloyl-bis-HHDP-glucose with [M–H]– at m/z 935 and MS2 product ions at m/z 633 02 amu, loss of HHDP) and 301 (332 amu, loss of galloyl glucose). Peak 26 had an [M–H]– at m/z 635 (C27H23O18), and a major MS2 product ion at m/z 465 (170 amu, gallic acid). The MS3 ion of m/z 465 was at m/z 313 (152 amu, loss of galloyl unit). The ion at m/z 313 could be further fragmented into an MS4 product ion at m/z 169. Peak 26 was identified as tri-galloyl-glucose. Peak 36 had a [M–H] ion at 935.0771, and ions at m/z 633,m/z 463 and m/z 301 in the MS2 to MS3 specta, indicating the structure of galloyl-bis-HHDP-glucose.

form that widely exists in fruits and vegetables (Kallio, Hakala, Pelkkikangas, & Lapvetelainen, 2000). Peaks 2 and 3 (C6H8O7) were tentatively identified as citric acid and its isomer (Kelebek & Selli, 2011). Peak 7 (C12H18O8) was tentatively identified as furaneol glucoside, a compound previously reported in detached ripening strawberry fruits (Roscher, Bringmann, Schreier, & Schwab, 1998). Peak 11 (C11H12O2N2) was identified as tryptophan, which was reported in Chilean strawberry F. chiloensis ssp. chiloensis (Cheel et al., 2005).

3.3. The chemical differences of F. vesca Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7 and F. ananassa cv. Fort Laramie The metabolite profiles of strawberry fruits are strongly affected by developmental, genetic, and environmental factors (Carbone et al., 2009). In previous publications, the difference between wild and cultivated strawberry species in the production of specific volatile terpenoid flavour components was studied using a combination of molecular and biochemical tools. The results suggest that domestication of strawberry has involved selection for specific alleles in the cultivated species which contribute to a strongly modified flavour profile (Aharoni et al., 2004). In this investigation, we also found a significant difference between wild and cultivated strawberry species as shown by their phenolic profiles. The constituents found in octoploid strawberry F. ananassa cv. Fort Laramie are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 2. The two major anthocyanins of Fort Laramie, cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside, accounted for almost 100% of the total peak area in its HPLC chromatogram at 520 nm; on the other hand, there are many other anthocyanins in diploid strawberry Ruegen F7-4, such as peonidin 3-O-glucoside, peonidin 3-O-malonylglucoside

3.2.4. Other compounds Peak 12 (C7H8O6) was identified as benzoic acid with the main MS2 ion at m/z 143 (loss of CO2). It was reported previously (Russell, Scobbie, Labat, & Duthie, 2009). Peak 32 was identified as a ferulic acid hexose derivative with [M–H]– at m/z 449 and MS2 ions at m/z 355, 329, 287, 269, and 193 (base peak 355) (Aaby et al., 2007). The major MS3 ion of m/z 355 was at m/z 193 (loss of a hexose unit). The fragmentation patterns were in agreement with previously published data (Aaby et al., 2007). Possible composition of Peak 32 could be ferulic acid, hexose, and a C6H6O group. Peak 1 (C12H22O12) was identified as hexosyl-hexose and it is the sugar 19a

NL: 1.96E5 Channel A UV regularripe


180000 160000 140000


120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000




NL: 6.43E4 Channel B UV regularripe


50000 19a


40000 3a







10a 4a 7a 5a 18a 9a 11a12a13a 17a 6a 8a 14a 16a

27a 20a

23a 25a 22a 24a 26a



0 0



31a 32a 33a 28a 30a 29a









Time (min) Fig. 2. The HPLC chromatograms of anthocyanins (A, at 520 nm) and non-anthocyanin polyphenols (B, at 280 nm) from F. ananassa cv. LAR.


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298

Table 2 Compounds identified from Fragaria ananassa cv. Fort Laramie. Peak no. 1a






Error (mmu)



MS2 to MS4 data

UV kmax (nm)

Possible identification




MS2[341]: 179(100), 161(20), 143(21), 131(7), 119(15), 113(19), 101(6) MS2[191]: 173(25), 111(100)

Hexosyl hexose

MS2[191]: 173(25), 111(100) MS2[191]: 173(25), 111(100) MS2[865]: 848(11), 739(15), 713(29), 695(100), 587(8), 577(32), 575(28), 543(8), 451(10), 449(10), 425(11), 413(8), 407(12), 405(6), 363(6), 287(13)MS3[865 ? 695]: 677(30), 651(11), 586(15), 585(9), 543(100), 525(15), 451(37), 407(15), 405(51), 391(12), 387(7), 363(48), 299(10), 289(27), 243(46) –

– — 234

Citric acid or its isomer Citric acid isomer Citric acid isomer Proanthocyanidin trimer

MS2[783]: 481(28), 301(100), 275(8) MS2[783]: 481(28), 301(100), 275(81) MS2[289]: 245(6), 161(100), 101(8)MS3[289 ? 161]: 143(9), 125(9), 113(61), 101(100), 99(13), 97(11), 89(9), 85(11), 73(7), 71(30) MS2[285]: 165(6), 153(100), 152(31), 109(7), 108(6)MS3[285 ? 153]: 109(100) MS2[951]: 907(100), 783(25) MS2[865]: 847(21), 739(64), 713(31), 695(100), 677(6), 587(31), 577(57), 575(33), 543(18), 533(7), 451(21), 449(21), 425(21), 423(8), 413(11), 407(26), 405(11), 289(10), 287(17)MS3[865 ? 695]: 677(29), 585(6), 543(100), 525(27), 451(49), 407(11), 405(28), 391(7), 387(8), 363(13), 299(9), 289(14), 243(29) MS2[865]: 847(27), 739(59), 713(49), 695(100), 587(19), 577(63), 575(33), 559(7), 557(6), 543(17), 533(7), 451(22), 449(22), 425(20), 423(8), 413(11), 407(21), 405(10), 395(6), 289(10), 287(18)MS3[865 ? 695]: 678(34), 585(6), 543(100), 542(15), 525(28), 451(36), 407(8), 405(26), 391(11), 363(26), 299(9), 289(23), 243(49) MS2[1153]: 1135(50), 1028(90), 1009(7), 1002(38), 1001(17), 983(85), 982(6), 965(8), 907(24), 865(100), 863(53), 857(7), 847(25), 846(11), 821(8), 739(50), 738(21), 701(32), 695(25), 694(7), 683(9), 588(6), 577(40), 575(55), 569(6), 560(11), 451(11), 449(18), 423(9), 407(26), 405(11), 395(7) MS2[325]: 265(19), 235(7), 205(7), 187(50), 163(90), 145(100), 119(9)MS3[325 ? 145]: 117(100)

– – 232, 271







3a 4a 5a

2.11 2.59 3.28

191.0194 191.0194 865.1965

0.326 0.286 2.007

C6H8O7 C6H8O7 C45H38O18

[M–H] [M–H] [M–H]







7a 8a 9a

3.98 5.39 5.62

783.0670 783.0682 289.0924

1.685 0.465 0.511

C34H24O22 C34H24O22 C12H18O8

[M–H] [M–H] [M–H]







11a 12a

6.73 7.91

951.0743 865.1976

0.178 0.967

C41H28O27 C45H38O18

[M–H] [M–H]
























MS2[449]: 287(100)







MS2[849]: 831(22), 724(90), 723(13), 714(7), 697(34), 695(30), 679(12), 577(100), 571(45), 559(74), 553(15), 543(10), 451(19), 433(14), 425(38), 407(25), 397(11), 289(15), 287(20)













MS2[577]: 559(15), 451(54), 425(100), 407(52), 299(10), 289(26), 287(13) MS2[433]: 271(100)

























MS2[433]: 415(6), 301(100), 300(30)MS3[433 ? 301]: 301(42), 284(47), 257(100), 229(70), 185(27)



















MS2[301]: 301(43), 300(6), 284(29), 283(20), 273(15), 257(100), 245(9), 229(69), 213(8), 201(9), 185(39) MS2[447]: 301(100), 300(30)MS3[447 ? 301]: 301(13), 284(11), 257(100), 229(27), 185(12) MS2[447]: 301(100), 300(30)MS3[447 ? 301]: 301(25), 300(12), 284(14), 283(40), 271(6), 257(100), 255(6), 245(7), 229(50), 185(23)


MS2[865]: 847(15), 739(63), 714(34), 713(17), 695(100), 677(6), 587(28), 577(60), 575(29), 569(10), 561(11), 559(8), 543(19), 451(20), 449(12), 425(29), 413(9), 407(33), 405(7), 289(7), 287(18)MS3[865 ? 695]: 677(31), 652(7), 569(23), 543(86), 525(49), 451(15), 449(11), 407(100), 405(19), 363(9), 289(12), 243(24) MS2[449]: 355(100), 329(12), 287(36), 269(29), 193(13) MS3[449 ? 355]: 193(100), 192(12) MS2[935]: 633(100), 301(43)MS3[935 ? 633]: 463(7), 301(100)

231, 283

Proanthocyanidin trimer bis-HHDP hexose bis-HHDP Hexose Furaneol hexoside

234, 278

Dihydroxybenzoic acid xylose Geraniin Proanthocyanidin trimer

234, 278

Proanthocyanidin trimer

234, 278

Proanthocyanidin tetramer

219, 234, 314 276, 428, 500 234, 278

Coumaroyl glucose

233, 278 234, 276, 428, 499 233, 278

234, 330 234, 278 216, 234, 278 233, 366 234, 370 –

Cyanidin 3-Oglucoside* Epiafzelechin(4b ? 8)epicatechin(4b ? 8)-epicatechin Proanthocyanidin dimer Pelargonidin 3-Oglucoside*

Proanthocyanidin trimer

Ferulic acid hexose Galloyl bis-HHDP Hexose Ellagic acid pentoside

Ellagic acid* Ellagic acid deoxyhexoside Ellagic acid deoxyhexoside


J. Sun et al. / Food Chemistry 146 (2014) 289–298 Table 2 (continued)


Error (mmu)



MS2 to MS4 data

UV kmax (nm)

Possible identification





MS2[477]: 301(100)MS3[477 ? 301]: 273(20), 257(15), 179(100), 151(69)MS4[477 ? 301 ? 179]: 151(100)

Quercetin 3-Oglucuronide*











MS2[463]: 301(100), 300(21)MS3[463 ? 301]: 283(8), 273(28), 257(14), 239(6), 193(8), 179(100), 151(75), 107(6) MS2[935]: 918(6), 633(100), 463(7), 301(61)

216, 233, 350 –

Peak no.




28a 29a







C16 H19 O9


MS2[355]: 337(23), 311(10), 309(100), 207(35), 147(50)











[M– 2H]2 [M–H]







MS2[934]: 1568(100), 1567(9), 1265(25), 1085(26), 916(31), 915(93), 897(84), 783(32), 633(41), 301(86) MS2[461]: 285(100)MS3[461 ? 285]: 267(42), 257(100), 243(8), 241(23), 240(17), 239(21), 229(41), 223(11), 213(24), 211(10), 199(16), 197(16), 195(7), 185(7), 163(14), 151(8 MS2[447]: 327(23), 301(7), 285(90), 284(100), 255(15)MS3[447 ? 284]: 255(100), 227(13)







MS2[505]: 487(10), 463(25), 343(6), 301(100), 300(53)













MS2[489]: 285(100)MS3[489 ? 285]: 267(59), 257(100), 256(16), 241(25), 240(12), 239(25), 229(57), 223(12), 213(26), 199(26), 197(21), 195(10), 189(6), 165(6), 163(23) MS2[593]: 447(10), 307(6), 285(100)

– 216, 233, 282 233 217, 233, 265,350 218, 233, 350 – –

Quercetin 3glucoside* Galloyl-bis-HHDPglucose Feruloyl hexoside

Agrimoniin Kaempferol 3-Oglucuronide* Kaempferol 3-Oglucoside Quercetin 3acetylglucoside Kaempferol 3acetylglucoside Kaempferol 3coumaroylglucoside

Confirmed with reference standards.

cyanidin 3-O-malonylglucoside, and pelargonidin 3-Omalonylglucoside. The non-anthocyanin polyphenols in Fort Laramie are mainly coumaroyl-glucose, ferulic acid hexose, quercetin, and kaempferol derivatives while in Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7, taxifolin 3-O-arabinoside, methylellagic acid rhamnoside, and ellagic acid are the major constituents. Understanding the chemical differences between cultivated strawberry Fort Laramie and wild strawberry Ruegen F7-4/YW5AF7 may help target modification of strawberries for quality improvement. 4. Conclusion This study was the first chemical investigation to describe the phenolic composition of two diploid inbred lines, Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7, which will facilitate genetic and biochemical studies of the enzymes catalysing the biosynthesis of these important compounds. The UHPLC-DAD-HRMS analysis identified the presence of a variety of anthocyanins, dihydroflavonols, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, proanthocyanidins, free and conjugated forms of ellagic acid, and ellagitannins. A total of 78 phenolic compounds were identified. The results demonstrate the differences in anthocyanin composition in Ruegen F7-4 and cultivated strawberry Fort Laramie are mainly due to peonidin 3-O-glucoside and peonidin 3O-malonylglucoside. The identification of phenolic compounds revealed some interesting compounds newly found in strawberry. Taxifolin 3-O-arabinoside and methylellagic acid glycosides in Ruegen F7-4 and YW5AF7 were reported in strawberry fruits for the first time. The high diversity of the phenolic com pounds found in wild diploid strawberry samples may have potential beneficial effects for human health. Further studies should be carried out for quantification of major compounds and biochemical and genetic characterisation of biosynthetic pathways. Acknowledgments This research is supported by the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and an Interagency Agree-

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Profiling polyphenols of two diploid strawberry (Fragaria vesca) inbred lines using UHPLC-HRMS(n.). - PDF Download Free (2024)
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