Tract 30 at “The Tracts at White River” is within what we call “White River South”. The tracts within “White River South” offer beautiful timber and they tend to offer more privacy than most other tracts. These private tracts are the final available tracts within “The Tracts at White River” and when they are gone there will be no additional tracts available!
In the aerial photo above we are looking northwest while flying our drone near the property. In the photo you can see the famous White River and to the far left you can see the a part of the Dam/Lock in the river.
Tract 30 is a heavily wooded 10 acre property in an excellent location. Not only is this property private and peaceful, it is also a very short distance from the World Famous WHITE RIVER (as you can see in the photo above).
You can go from your wooded hideaway to the wildly popular White River in just a matter of minutes. Grab your fishing pole, catch breakfast for you and your buddies and you can be frying up the bass before your friends have even had their first cup of coffee. Don’t worry, tomorrow you can sleep in and it will be their turn to catch breakfast. How about trout tomorrow and catfish the morning after?
The property is accessed via a gravel easement road system which comes off of “Lock 3 Road”. The easement road system leads you to the west side of the property and provides access to several different parts of the property.
Map Above
The photo below gives us a closer look at the property:
Map Above
This is Tract 30 at “The Tracts at White River”. The property is about 10 acres in size and it measures approximately 660 feet east to west and 660 feet north to south (basically square).
With the excellent mixture of timber on this property you are sure to find red oak, white oaks, hickories and so much more. We have seen numerous black walnut trees, sycamore trees, chestnut trees and even apple trees at “The Tracts at White River” and you will have many different types of timber on this large wooded tract.
The property appears to have an excellent mixture of timber. The photo below shows some of the trees on this private tract:
The photo below is an aerial photo that was taken while over the property. This area of the Ozarks is known for beautiful rolling hills and gorgeous views.
Aerial Photo Above
Because this particular tract appears to have a small gravel creek bed that crosses over it, it is possible that you will find sycamore trees and black walnut trees near the little creek bed. This is a “seasonal creek” that does not run all year, but it is likely it will have some cool rock formations and possibly native rock and ozark gravel that you could use for building projects and landscaping projects on your property!
In the aerial photo below we are looking over the property, but with the large amount of timber on the property we are not able to see the little creek bed from the air.
Aerial Photo Above
With 10 acres of wooded property you are likely to find numerous areas that could be suitable for a campsite, a place for your hunting camp, a spot to park your RV or possibly even for a cabin to make your hunting and fishing trips more comfortable.
Below, we have a drone video which gives you a look at the property from the air and later in the listing we have additional videos which will provide even more information about the property.
Drone Video of Tract 30 Below ##:
Video Drone WZ30 Narrated
We have tried to pack a large amount of information into this listing page including videos, maps and pictures of the property and of the area. If you would like to see additional information about “The Tracts at White River”, about the area (including the Ozark National Forest and the town of Batesville) and about the White River then you should check out the main page for “The Tracts at White River”. If you just now clicked on this tract in the list/table of tracts on a previous page, then you have just come from the main page. Otherwise, if you click on the link below you can check it out:
With a total of only 36 tracts, “The Tracts at White River” will never be crowded. Most tracts are very large, at 10 acres in size. With these large tracts being heavily wooded it is very possible that you can choose a building/camping site on your property that offers you a major amount of privacy and seclusion and may even have some beautiful views of the Ozarks.
Within this listing page we have put the detailed information about this particular 10 acre tract (including videos) within the “top half” of the page. The “bottom half” of this listing page will have information about the development and the area, and it will be similar to the “Main Page” for The Tracts at White River (the “Main Page” is probably the page that you just came from, if you clicked on an available tract to get to this page).
The full sales price for this exceptional 10 acre tract (Tract 30) at “The Tracts at White River” is $49,500. With your down payment of $1,500 you will automatically receive our reduced annual interest rate of 7 3/4% and the payments will be $456.82 a month.
With a $2,500 down payment the annual interest rate drops to 6 3/4% and the payment drops to $420.91 a month.
With a $5,000 down payment the annual interest rate drops to 5 3/4% and the payment drops to $374.54 a month. These payments are all based on about a 15 year amortization schedule. Property taxes willonly be about $60 a year and this is already included in the monthly payment amount(s) shown above.
There are NO prepayment penalties and NO hidden fees.
PLEASE NOTE that you have a full TWELVE MONTHS to ADD to your down payment in order to reduce your interest rate and payment amount! We want to give ALL of our buyers the opportunity to achieve the lowest interest rate and payment amount possible!
ALSO, if you pay off your property (your loan to us) at any time within the next 5 years you will get a DISCOUNT in the amount of 10% of the purchase price of the property! On this property that would save you $4,950 for an early payoff!
“The Tracts at White River” are sold through our partner company which is Outcast Land Inc. – The sales process is basically the same as you see on the InstantAcres website, but the paperwork will show Outcast Land Inc. as the “seller”.
If this property is still available you may purchase it instantly through the “Buy Now” link on this page or you can call us in the office at 800-476-5035 and we can answer any questions you may have, or we can take your payment over the phone. Also, please feel free to email us at and we can answer your questions via email.
This excellent tract is brought to you by our Sales Partner “Outcast Land Inc.” – Outcast Land Inc. is known for focusing on the highest quality hunting, fishing and recreation land in the United States.
Because Outcast Land is committed to bringing you the HIGHEST QUALITY recreation land in the nation, all Outcast Land tracts are located in areas with a PROVEN track record for hunting, generally including white-tailed deer and wild turkey. But, these particular tracts also offer world class fishing in the famous White River.
The “Hunting and Recreational Developments” brought to you by Outcast Landhave basic Covenants in place to ENSURE that the tract you purchase can be used for hunting and recreation for generations to come. By they way, all tracts sold by Outcast Land are buildable for a cabin or home, subject to the basic property covenants (although mostOutcast Landcustomers are more interested in deer “signs” then street signs). After making your down payment you can use your tract immediately for camping, hunting and recreation. If you plan to actually live on your tract within The Tracts At White River then the owner financed loan (the loan to us) will have to be paid in full before doing so.
Not only are these tracts heavily wooded and situated in an excellent location for hunting, camping and recreation, they are also a VERY short distance from the very famous (and very popular) White River, which makes them top-notch for fishing as well!
Let’s continue with more videos and pictures about this 10 acre tract…
Below, we have a “Ground Video” that gives us a look at a small part of the property, from ground level (instead of from the air with the drone). We are only able to see a very small part of this large property in the “Ground Video” below, but we hope it is helpful ##:
Video Ground WZ30 Narrated
Originally we had considered splitting some of these large 10 acre tracts into smaller tracts.
Thankfully, we decided to keep them at 10 acres in size as that seems to be just about the perfect size for a private rural tract of land. Below we have a supplemental “Intro Video” explaining the previously mentioned potential splits on these 10 acre tracts. This video was created for Tract 1 but it applies equally to all of the tracts within the development:
Video Intro Explaining Previous Potential Splits on WZ01-WZ36 on White River
The map below shows how Tract 30 is situated. It is located in the part of the development that we call “White River South” (which is Tracts 25-36) and is one of the most private tracts. On the map we have also labeled the “Access to the White River” as well as other roads in the area. On the map you will see that we have labeled the “Main Gate Into Tracts” which is located near the start of the easement road that goes east off of “Lock 3 Road”.
As shown on the map above, this tract has access via the existing easement road which leads you to the west side of the property and is shown as a purple line on the map above.
Below, we have an “Intro Video” in which we use the Interactive Map (Land Id map) to explore the property and the area:
Video Intro WZ30
In addition to its excellent location, this tract appears to have the potential for creating a private campsite for you and your family, a hunting camp for you and your buddies, or potentially a site for a cabin or simply a place to park your truck or camper while you are using your property.
The topo map above shows the “lay of the land”. It’s a little difficult to see the property on the map above but it is toward the lower part of the map.
Below, we have a closer look at a topo map for the property (we are zoomed in on the property):
Topo Map
Other than what you see in the pictures and videos in this listing page, we have not had the chance to explore this property. Who knows what surprises might be waiting on this huge wooded tract?
Is this tract in the Flood Zone?
Nope, even though this tract is very close to the famous White River, our maps show that none of the property is within the mapped FEMA Flood Zone (although you would still not want to build in or very close to the tiny creek bed on the property).
The aerial map below shows the mapped “FEMA Flood Zone” in the area. Amazingly, the Flood Zone does not appear to affect any of the good potential building sites on these tracts. Although it is hard to see with the map below, the mapped Flood Zone does extend to the other side of the White River and the large meadow on that other side. The west side of the river/flood zone is shaded differently on the map below because the County Line is the center of the river and the County to the west uses a different color for flood zone mapping.
Even though these tracts are VERY close to the famous White River, because of the way the land is situated they have almost no Flood Zone on them. If you are curious about why this is, or if you are curious about “Flood Zones” in general then you can click on the link below which will take you to a page we created that shows the “Flood Zone” map for these tracts and goes into much greater detail about river properties and flood zones. We originally had all of that information within this listing page but we decided to put it on its own page because there is a ton of information and at some point this Main Page would have gotten too cluttered. This is the same “Flood Zone Information Page” that we linked to from the main page for “The Tracts at White River”, so you may have already seen it.
Below, we have added some additional pictures that show the property and the area immediately around the property.
In the aerial photo above we are looking at the property from the air. The red truck that you can see in the photo is parked on the easement road which crosses over the property.
Aerial Photo Above
In the next photo (below) we are parked on the easement road by the west side of the property.
In the photo below we are taking a look at a few of the trees near the east side of the property.
In the next photo (below) we have flown the drone up into the air and we are looking westerly at the White River which is about a mile west of the property. It looks like there is some very fertile crop ground on the other side of the river. Interestingly, because of the type of soil adjacent to the river in this area, this section of the White River appears to have sandy shores at the riversides.
In the next aerial photo below, we are looking southwest and we are getting another view of the beautiful White River. The White River flows southerly and goes through the town of Batesville, Arkansas, which is about 10 miles from the property.
In the aerial photo below we are now looking easterly from above the property. What a beautiful area!
The photo below gives us a look at some of the hardwood timber on this large tract.
This area appears to be a mixture of timber of many different species and many different sizes (as shown in the photos). In the photo below we are checking out some of the trees on the property.
The next photo (below) is an aerial photo taken while looking northerly from over about the north side of the property. On the lower left corner of the photo you can see the Dam/Lock which can generate power for the city of Batesville when it is in use.
The next photo (below) is a closer view of the Lock/Dam. The photo appears to be “grainy” because we have zoomed in on the guy who is fishing in the boat. The area just below the dam appears to be a good spot to fish (although we have been told that this entire section of the White River is excellent for fishing).
The next photo (below) is another aerial photo taken while over the property (or a little west of the property, we can’t tell for sure). In this photo we are looking south at the beautiful White River which flows through Batesville on its long journey to the Mississippi River. This section of the White River appears to be very clean and clear and we were able to look right down into the water and see some very large fish!
In the next aerial photo (below) we are still facing south from about the same location as the previous photo, but we have zoomed in on the White River. What a beautiful area! The fish love this area of the White River, and so do we.
The aerial map below gives us another look at this special property. This tract is heavily wooded with an excellent mixture of timber. In addition to the red oak, white oak, hickory and chestnut trees, there is a good chance that you will find sycamore trees and walnut trees by the creek bed on the property.
Aerial Map Above
The photo below was taken early in the morning while flying the drove over the property. We are looking north and way up the river there was “steam” rising from the water. We are told that can happen sometimes in the morning because the temperature on the river can be different from the air temperature which can create the “steam” or “fog”.
Next, we have an “Interactive Map” which we try to include in all of our listings. The Interactive Map shows all of the tracts within the development and you can zoom in to get a closer look at this tract (or any other tract). You can also zoom out to take a look at the area around the property.
Interactive Map (known as “Land Id” map or “MapRight” map)
Below, we have an interactive map showing all of the tracts within “The Tracts at White River”, as well as the surrounding area:
The Interactive Map above gives you a good look at “The Tracts at White River” as well as the general area and the route to the property. You can zoom in and out and move the map around to see exactly what you want to see. You can also change the “base layer” to see a topo map as well as other base maps. If you click on the “Full Screen” option toward the upper right side of the map then it should open the map within a separate window which will give you more options for controlling the map.
The Interactive Map can actually be VERY useful when viewing a property (especially on your first trip). If you download the “Land Id” app to your phone then you will be able to view the map on your phone AND it will show your location as a colored dot within the map (when using the app to view the Interactive Map). This is fantastic when you are locating a property and also if you want to see the approximate boundaries of a property. After you download the app there are a couple of things that you will need to do in order to use it correctly. We have added a video to the top of the “F.A.Q.” page on our website, which explains in more detail how to set up the app so that it is all set for your trip to the property.
The link below will take you to the video on our “F.A.Q.” page which shows how to set up the Land Id/MapRight app. The program we use has been called MapRight for several years and they recently changed the name to Land Id. We use the names interchangeably but really it is now just called Land Id. The app is free but you may have to sign up for a free trial in order to use it properly. Land Id seems to change their procedures fairly often but generally you can at least view a map within their app without any type of subscription (but you may need an account in order to see your location while viewing a map). Here’s the link to our video which explains how to use Land Id/MapRight:
Click Here to see the Video about Land Id which can also be found on our “F.A.Q.” Page
The Interactive Map in this listing page shows all of the tracts within “The Tracts at White River” as well as their approximate boundaries, which can be very useful if you are looking for a specific tract when you make it out to the development. We generally consider the Interactive Map program to be fairly accurate, but it does not replace a survey. If you would like to know the precise boundaries of one tract (or multiple tracts) then you would need to contact a surveyor in the area who could give you a quote.
When using the Interactive Map you will likely need to zoom in and out, in order to properly view the map. This is because the labels within the Interactive Map do not seem to automatically resize themselves which tends to mean that they are often “in the way” as you are viewing the map (until you zoom in).
While the first portion of this listing page has focused mainly on this specific 10 acre tract, the rest of the listing page will focus mainly on the development (“The Tracts at White River”) as well as the area and the White River itself. There is actually a HUGE amount of information about the White River and the Batesville Area online and we tried to choose the most useful information to put into this listing page, without making it even longer than it already is! As we mentioned toward the top of this listing page, much of the same information about the development and the area can also be found on the “Main Page” for The Tracts at White River, but it is great information and we wanted to make sure that everyone got the chance to read it.
We are very excited to be able to offer these heavily wooded, high quality tracts at the White River in Independence County, Arkansas. These tracts were designed to be very secluded, giving you maximum privacy while you are hunting, fishing and generally just enjoying life on your private acreage!
The White River is a very popular destination for fishing, canoeing and kayaking. Although you can fish for rainbow trout and brown trout in the White River, most of the people that we talked to in the area said they generally had the best luck catching bass and catfish (as well as sometimes walleye).
The picture above is a photo that we took of the White River, just a few hundred feet from these private tracts. There is actually a concrete ramp/launch here which appears to make it fairly easy to access the river. In the photo above we are standing on the concrete boat launch and looking across the White River.
This acreage is in a fantastic area for deer and turkey hunting. On several of the tracts we have found deer stands built into the trees, which indicate that this has been successful hunting land for many years. Who knows what you will find when you fully explore your private acreage at “The Tracts at White River”.
We put up a couple of game cameras within “The Tracts at White River” a few months ago, and we got HUNDREDS of photos of deer and wild turkey.
The photos above are from a game camera that we had placed near about the middle of the Development. We don’t yet have any photos of fish from the White River (we keep forgetting to bring fishing poles when we visit the Development). If you plan to do some fishing in the White River when you visit the property we would LOVE to get a copy of any “fish photos” that you may get!
HUNTERS, ANGLERS, CAMPERS AND RECREATIONAL LAND USERS have specific desires and requests when they are searching for their property. In general, these folks plan to camp and use their property more often than most people. They also generally do not plan to build a home and live on the property in the near future.
With these specific needs in mind, Outcast Land is proud to bring you this “Hunting and Recreational Development”. All of the tracts within this rural development are usable for hunting, camping, recreation and even building a home or cabin, but there are a couple of important distinctions that make these tracts special:
- All Outcast Land tracts are “buildable” but please keep in mind that they can not be used for a permanent residence until after the owner financed loan (to us) has been paid for in full. You can definitely build a cabin (or use a portable building) for camping/hunting but in order to live on the property the loan must be paid in full and the exterior of your residence must be complete (and residence foundation must be concrete and be over 600 square feet in size).
- Camping is allowed for 90 days a year, instead of the standard 45 days. This gives you twice as much camping/hunting time on your acreage.
- You can ALWAYS camp during the scheduled deer hunting season (rifle season) and turkey hunting seasons, even if that would put you over the 90 day period. Outcast Land does NOT wish to limit your hunting opportunities on your property.
Other property covenants (setback distances, etc) will be very similar to the standard Property Covenants that you see within the “property covenants” section. To see the Outcast Land Property Covenants that apply to “The Tracts at White River” please click on the link below:
To see the Outcast Land Property Covenants for “The Tracts at White River” please click here.
Hunters and Recreational land buyers generally have no interest in living on their property in the near future (although often they do plan for a retirement home/cabin on the property). BUT, many Hunters, Campers and Recreational land buyers do tell us that it can be a hardship to have nearby neighbors living in portable buildings, camper trailers or homemade “tiny homes” while they themselves are attempting to enjoy their acreage for hunting/fishing/recreation with their friends and families.
We love “homesteaders” and you may also love “homesteaders” but these tracts from Outcast Land are not designed for the “homesteader”. These tracts are designed for the serious hunter/angler/camper/recreational user who does not desire to be surrounded by homesteaders while hunting and using their property.
These tracts do contain mature timber. Please note that timber with a stump diameter larger than 8 inches (when measured at ground level) may not be cut, sold or removed until the property has been paid for in full. We can, and often do give written exceptions to this rule for the purposes of creating a building site or a driveway/trail, but you must obtain written permission from us PRIOR to the removal/cutting/marking of any timber (unless you have already paid for your property in full, in which case you can do as you please with the timber on your tract).
Let’s take a closer look at “The Tracts at White River”!
In the aerial photo above we are facing south over the White River, and the Development is on the left side (east side) of the river, set back a few hundred feet. If you look a few feet to the left of the river in this photo you will see what appears to be a gravel road which runs parallel to the river – but this is actually an old set of train tracks.
In the early 1900’s these tracks were used quite a bit in order to transport the minerals (mostly manganese) which were extracted from local mines. After about the 1950’s the demand for manganese dropped (as we could get it less expensively from overseas) so the manganese mines were closed. We have been told that the tracks are still used for just one or two special trains which transport a rare type of sand from the local area (a few miles away) to other destinations.
One of the many reasons that these properties are so special is that they are in just about the only location in this area in which you have easy access to a concrete ramp into the White River. Because of the train tracks which run parallel to the river, there are VERY few dedicated spots on the east side of the White River in this area that you can use for accessing the river. The river can be accessed in this particular location because there happens to be an existing concrete train trestle which enables you to cross UNDER the train tracks. Immediately on the other side of the train trestle you will find the concrete boat launch/ramp which extends out to the river.
In the aerial photo above we are facing easterly while over the White River. Someone is doing some fishing near the shore and they later told us that the bass were biting that day. If you look at the shoreline (specifically just left of center in the photo) you will see the concrete boat launch/ramp that extends into the river. Although the train trestle/tunnel is hidden by the leaves on those big trees, you can pretty much see how the road/concrete launch goes under the train tracks, and you can also see a little bit of the gravel road on the other side.
Recently while we were researching the area we discovered why there happens to be a ramp into the White River (going under the train tracks) in this location. As it was (and still is) VERY expensive for the railroad to build any access trestles/tunnels going under the tracks, it was confusing as to why there just happened to be a ramp under the tracks and into the river in this exact location…it turns out, back in the 1800’s this point was the “Ferry Crossing” across the white river. It was known as “Walls Ferry” and back in the 1800’s it was just about the only way to get across the river in the area. So the farmers and shop owners who wanted to get their goods into Batesville (as well as out of Batesville) would rely on the ferry to get across the river. Also, any of the folks who lived on the west side of the river would need the ferry to get across so that they could visit Batesville or other smaller towns in the area.
When the railroad laid its tracks through the area, part of the agreement would have been that they had to take into consideration any areas that were a high-traffic crossing area. Because they were not able (or willing) to install a trestle/tunnel/ramp for every small river crossing they simply found the few “high-traffic” crossings in the area to build the expensive ramps/trestles/tunnels. The railroad would almost always choose the ferry crossings that were heavily used, because in addition to benefitting the residents of the area it would also benefit the railroads. This is because the goods, produce and people from the west side of the river would not be able to make use of the trains without being able to access the east side of the river. It became common for the most popular existing ferry crossings in a County to become a stop for the new trains, because it was a natural place for people to congregate when crossing the river.
Our research indicates that the “Walls Ferry” crossing was in use until about the 1950’s, by which time there were enough roads to serve the area without having to drive your car/truck/wagon onto a wooden ferry-boat to cross the White River. We tried and tried (and tried) to find an old photo that showed the actual ferry boat at Walls Ford, but we did not have any luck. If anyone happens to find a photo of the old ferry (or any old photos of the Walls Ferry area) we would love to get a copy.
All of the properties at “The Tracts at White River” are accessed via a minimum maintenance road system, and a four wheel drive truck or suv is required in order to access the properties. Although we have not often needed to use four wheel drive when we have visited the tracts, there has been at least one occasion where we were VERY glad that we were driving a four wheel drive, as we came across a rough spot in the road and we were not sure if we would have made it through in a two wheel drive.
In the photo above, we are parked on one of the easement roads/trails within “The Tracts at White River”. With a minimum maintenance road system you definitely want to be sure to bring your four wheel drive truck or suv. A four wheel drive almost always has several additional inches of clearance compared to a two wheel drive, which can sometimes be more important than additional traction.
Location & Directions
“The Tracts at White River” are in an excellent location in northern Arkansas. They are very private yet you are only about 15 miles from Batesville and only a few hours from numerous major cities.
On the map above you can see the location of “The Tracts at White River” (in about the middle of the map, close to Batesville, Arkansas). Because of this centralized location, these tracts are within just a few hours of numerous major cities including: Springfield, MO; Memphis, TN; Little Rock, AR and Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The map above shows the location of “The Tracts at White River”, relative to Batesville, Arkansas. From Batesville, go north on Highway 69 for about 9 miles to the tiny town of Cushman and then go west (see the map below for a more detailed look at the route from Cushman to the property).
The map above shows how to get to “The Tracts at White River” from Cushman. From Highway 69 in Cushman, go west onto “Collietown Road”. Stay on Collietown Road for about 2 1/4 miles and then go left onto “Kelley Road”. Stay on Kelley Road for about 2 1/2 miles and then go right (west) onto “Lock 3 Road”, which is a gravel road.
When we were last at the property, the sign was missing for “Lock 3 Road” where you turn off of Kelley Road. But, if you are looking for the road it should be easy to spot it. Once you are heading west on Lock 3 Road you will need to go about 1 1/2 miles before you get to the east side of “The Tracts at White River”. As you continue to the west you will still be on “Lock 3 Road” but you will notice that the road no longer appears to be graded by the County. After you go about another mile on Lock 3 Road you will come to a small field with a power line overhead. This is the power line that runs from the dam toward Batesville to deliver the power that the dam is producing (when it is actually being used to generate power).
Just after passing through the small field and under the power line you should come to a fork in the road. If you veer right at the fork it will lead you to the boat ramp on the White River (which is just a few hundred feet from the overhead power line and the fork in the road). If you veer left at the fork you will go up a hill and arrive at the “gate” which will be on the left side (east side) of the road and which leads to Tracts 7-36.
If you go left after the field/power line and then go up the hill and go PAST the “gate” then you will soon start going back down a hill and you are likely to encounter some very bad spots in the road. We certainly did when we accidentally went past the gate on our first trip to the area! Then, after we had finally made it through those rough spots in the road, we encountered a spot where the road had been washed out, and there was simply no way to cross over the washed out area. If you refer again to the map above, you will see that we have labeled the portion of the road that we just talked about. It is the “South Side” of Lock 3 Road. After encountering that bad portion of road on the South Side of Lock 3 Road we decided to stick with just coming in (and also leaving) by using the “North Route”, which is the route described above.
It is possible that the south portion of Lock 3 Road has been repaired and it may now be usable, but we don’t know because we have not found any good reason to use this section of road as it seems like it would take a little longer than the route that we described above (which is the route that we have now used numerous times).
On the map above, “Lock 3 Road” is shown as the “greenish” line. Toward the left side of the map, we have labeled where the gate can be found which leads into most of the tracts. After you go through the gate and head east, the first tract you come to will be Tract 9 and after that will be Tract 10. When we visit the property, we come in on “Lock 3 Road” from the north (which is also the way that we leave). Although the maps may show that you can come and go using the south part of “Lock 3 Road”, we were not able to use that section of road because we encountered at least one area where the road was simply not passable because it was washed out.
Please be sure to print out the maps and directions before making the trip to check out “The Tracts at White River”. That way, if you encounter an area where you do not have strong cell phone coverage you will still be able to locate the property. We would be happy to email the directions and maps to you, if you would like.
Below, we have a video which shows the drive into “The Tracts at White River”, starting at the little town of Cushman and continuing until we are almost to the gate and the river. It’s a long video, but it does a fairly good job of showing the route to the property:
The drive to “The Tracts at White River”, starting in Cushman, AR – Inc.
If you find it to be easier, you can input the address below into your G.P.S. or navigation unit/phone in order to help on your first trip to the property. Please note that this is NOT the exact address for the property, but when we tested it out it did show up as an address just a few feet east of the property, on “Lock 3 Road”:
770 Lock 3 Road
Batesville, AR 72501
This address should take you to the beginning of the tracts on the east side of “The Tracts at White River” (which would be where the County Road enters the east side of Tract 6). This is also where the road begins to get very rough, as the County has only been maintaining this County Road up to this last address.
In the video below we actually input the address above into Google to see what happens:
Video with 770 Lock 3 Road Address Video ID#WZ
All of the tracts within “The Tracts at White River” are heavily wooded and you can expect to find red oak, white oak, chestnut, pine, hickory and walnut trees, depending upon which tract you choose (as well as many other species).
Power is within about 1/2 a mile of the development but it is not within the development. Options for solar power are good here and solar systems have improved vastly over the last few years (both in quality and in cost).
Links to Information about the Batesville area and the White River can be found below. We plan to add more links as we find them, or if you find a site with useful info about the White River or the Batesville Area please let us know, and we will add it to the list below:
This is investment-quality acreage in a fantastic location. It has taken us many years to finally locate property next to the actual White River and we are thrilled to be able to make it available to our buyers. Set up your campsite on your private acreage and a short walk (or a very short four wheeler ride) and you are at the river for fishing, swimming and canoeing.
Also, if you decide you would like to “scout out” additional land for hunting and recreation you are just a few miles from several hundred thousand acres of Public Land in the Ozark National Forest. You may even decide to set up your actual “deer camp” on your private acreage and then spend some time hunting within the National Forest and coming back to your private acreage in the afternoons or evenings.
As shown on the map above, “The Tracts at White River” are only a few miles from the enormous Ozark National Forest which gives you a lifetime supply of additional land to explore and enjoy. The 500,000+ acres within the Ozark National Forest can be used for additional hunting, fishing, camping, horseback riding and much more.
As we all know, it is getting harder and harder to find good-quality acreage for hunting and recreation (and building a home or cabin). With their excellent mixture of timber, their secluded location at the White River and their privacy, we think that these tracts represent an incredible investment. Camp, hunt, fish and enjoy your property while the values continue to grow.
Many of these tracts already have more than enough mature timber to build a log cabin (or a timber frame home). After your property has been paid for in full you will be free to use the timber on your property in any manner you see fit (including harvesting it, using it for a home/cabin or just letting it continue to grow).
The camping, hunting and recreational opportunities in this area are awesome. The Autumn photo above was taken near about the middle of “The Tracts at White River” and shows a few mature hardwood trees that have lost most of their leaves for the season.
These tracts seem to have the perfect mixture of timber for creating gorgeous Autumn colors. The photo above was actually taken a couple of weeks after the “peak” of the Autumn colors, but we were still able to capture some of those special colors in this photo!
What can you do on your new property at “The Tracts at White River”?
These tracts are NOT subject to the zoning regulations that you will find in most areas of the country! This property is within a Rural Development and does have basic property covenants BUT almost all of the OutcastLandbuyers find that these covenants simply do NOT limit what they plan to do with their property. In fact, most Outcast Land buyers that we speak to would simply NOT buy a property without basic covenants in place to protect their investment.
At your property at “The Tracts at White River” you can:
- Hunt (most buyers will buy a tract with deer and turkey hunting in mind)
- Fish (the White River is very close to all tracts and is known for great fishing)
- Camp
- Build a cabin or a home (subject to property covenants)
- Have a portable building or shipping container (for camping, hunting, recreation and storage)
- Use your camper or RV for camping, hunting and recreation
On your property at “The Tracts at White River” you can not:
- No commercial businesses
- Can not live on the property until the loan has been paid in full
- No cutting of the timber until the property has been paid for in full (we can often make written exceptions for clearing a building site or driveway/trail)
- No junkyards of any kind
All of the tracts at “The Tracts at White River” have setback distances from the easement road(s) and county road(s). These setback areas are also designated future utility easements (power is not currently within the development). All buildings, homesites, parking areas, storage areas, etc. must be at least 50 feet from the centerline of the easement roads and county road (this area acts as a privacy setback as well as a road and utility easement) and at least 30 feet back from the side and rear boundaries of all tracts (this area acts as a privacy setback as well as a utility easement). A few of the tracts may already have an existing driveway and clearing in place, and so long as the clearing is over 50 feet from the center of the shared roadway and over 30 feet from the sides/rear of the property then it can be used for camping, parking, building, etc. (you must measure to be sure).
Fences/gates may not be placed within 50 feet of the centerline of the easement roads or county road, as this area is part of the designated road easement area.
These tracts represent an excellent opportunity for building your own hunting cabin as there are no building permits required in this area! You and your friends/family can build your own cabin without permits or inspections.
The aerial photo above was taken while facing north over the tracts. We have “zoomed in” on a cool bluff on the river. We think that this is “Penters Bluff” which our maps show is about two miles north of the property. The White River is well known as one of the premier fishing rivers in the country. People come from all over the U.S. to catch bass, trout, catfish (and more) in this beautiful river. We think these tracts are ideal for fishing, hunting and recreation (and they are VERY private).
It took us many years to be able to bring you acreage at the White River, but we think it was worth the wait! These tracts will sell quickly so if you have been waiting for a special piece of secluded acreage then take a good look at these excellent properties.
The full sales price for this exceptional 10 acre tract (Tract 30) at “The Tracts at White River” is $49,500. With your down payment of $1,500 you will automatically receive our reduced annual interest rate of 7 3/4% and the payments will be $456.82 a month.
With a $2,500 down payment the annual interest rate drops to 6 3/4% and the payment drops to $420.91 a month.
With a $5,000 down payment the annual interest rate drops to 5 3/4% and the payment drops to $374.54 a month. These payments are all based on about a 15 year amortization schedule. Property taxes willonly be about $60 a year and this is already included in the monthly payment amount(s) shown above.
There are NO prepayment penalties and NO hidden fees.
PLEASE NOTE that you have a full TWELVE MONTHS to ADD to your down payment in order to reduce your interest rate and payment amount! We want to give ALL of our buyers the opportunity to achieve the lowest interest rate and payment amount possible!
ALSO, if you pay off your property (your loan to us) at any time within the next 5 years you will get a DISCOUNT in the amount of 10% of the purchase price of the property! On this property that would save you $4,950 for an early payoff!
“The Tracts at White River” are sold through our partner company which is Outcast Land Inc. – The sales process is basically the same as you see on the InstantAcres website, but the paperwork will show Outcast Land Inc. as the “seller”.
If this property is still available you may purchase it instantly through the “Buy Now” link on this page or you can call us in the office at 800-476-5035 and we can answer any questions you may have, or we can take your payment over the phone. Also, please feel free to email us at and we can answer your questions via email.
We have never had a project like this before and it is very unlikely that we will ever find a project like this again. If you have been searching for a beautiful piece of land that is private AND very close to a major river then you may want to act fast…
Please select your desired down payment amount in the box below (the corresponding interest rate is automatically selected). Then click "Buy Now" and you will be taken to our secure online server where you may make payment with a Visa, Mastercard or Discover Card.